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Why Are You Seeking Out Evil?


A person who diligently seeks good finds favor,
but to one who searches for evil, evil comes to him! (Prov. 11:27 TLV)

Six things Adonai hates, yes, seven are abominations to Him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots wicked schemes,
feet that run to evil, a false witness who spouts lies, and one who stirs up strife among brothers. (Prov. 6:16-19 TLV)

Come, children, listen to me:
I will teach you the fear of Adonai.
13 Who is the one who delights in life,
and loves to see good days?
14 Keep your tongue from evil,
and your lips from speaking treachery.
15 Depart from evil and do good.
Seek shalom and pursue it. (PS. 34: 12-15 TLV) 
[ Note: In Hebrew, the last word in vs 14 is mirmah – guile – “
Keep thy tongue from rah, and thy lips from speaking mirmah (guile, see Isaiah 53:9 ) 14 (15) Depart from rah, and do tov; seek shalom, and pursue it. – which is much different than “treachery.”)

It was put on my heart to heed a warning to those who constantly seek out the evil happening in this world, evil speech against others in the body, bad actors who teach twisted doctrines, and give room to it, not only in their lives and minds but then push it onto others by sharing it on social media, media, et al. Believers who focus their time and energy on dark rabbit holes, and tearing down other Believers in Yeshua/Jesus shows a lack of spiritual maturity. 

However, beyond that, what everyone needs to realize is how the power of persuasion is sucking you in and will surely spit you out and then spit on you. Persuasion has become a mind and soul battle and the spirit behind it is ugly and not of The LORD! Beloved, do you not read the warnings we are given in His word against allowing darkness to enter your eyes and ears? It is purely manipulation of the dark powers that roam around trying to devour anyone who claims to belong to the LORD. The more you engage the easier you become enraged. And, trust me, friends, dark persuasion masquerades as even fun and light-humored things. You must be diligent! 

This past week, for the first time in eons, I decided to stick a toe in those waters simply to see what is being said and promoted. Guess what? Nothing has changed in 15 years – the same ideas and ridicules are being spoken by different messengers/players of the game. As it states in Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun. 

Flee from it! Do not allow yourselves to look back and turn into a pillar of salt. 
It is time to clean the clutter out of the gateways to your mind so you can be holy and HE is holy! 



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