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Do You Realize You’re Pouring Salt Onto Open Wounds?

Mt. Rogers National Forest in SW Virginia – post Helene 2024

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again?

It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.” (Matthew 5:13)
To know me is to understand I have begun to feel the thaw of my overloaded circuitry from all that has transpired. To know me, one would understand this statement without my having to explain but I did go into some detail in the previous post. Additionally, I and others I know, have had to pull back from the outside world this week because we are no longer able to stomach what people share on social media or the onslaught of opinions on, well, everything. With this being said, allow me to pose a question brethren: Do you realize you are pouring salt onto open wounds? 
Do you have empathy?
It seems that some people do not understand what they are portraying to others. From what is being witnessed I want to ask a serious question: Do you have empathy? From a mile-high perspective, it seems that many only have, or at least know how to express, bitterness and opinions when the going gets tough. 
Friends, this is a dire warning to you about where your heart is; when instead of serving, instead of giving comfort to those in need, you feel the need to display your disdain. Or, ignoring what others are trying to respectfully show you about what you are putting out for others to see. Consider that someone might be trying to express that you are not being salt but are pouring salt onto an open wound. You are causing more harm than good. Trauma covered in more trauma only equals deeper trauma! 
When people are hurting is not the time for your opinion or bitterness. No one needs to hear your feelings on the state of things, our government, or the system right now. Please, if you have nothing productive to offer in words, written or spoken, be silent. (Be productive and take it to the ballot box in a month! Or, go burn off steam by helping to clean-up the mud or sand left in the aftermath of these storms.) 
What people need is beyond your attention to be on the situation at hand; they need you to be salt and light, they need The Father’s love. As Believers and Followers of Yeshua (Jesus), we are told to be His love, His hands and feet, when people are hurting and in need. Perhaps you too need comfort but instead of asking for it, you mask it with hatred for what you blame the world’s problems on. Perhaps, you need a change in perspective and this situation is bringing out the worst in you because you are fearful. I encourage you to take a step back and look at your actions and words from someone else’s perspective, but more importantly through the eyes of The Father who so loved the world he gave us his only begotten Son. 

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