Undoing Damage…
On May 24, 2013, as I was walking through all of this in prayer and beginning to come out the other side, I was blessed by a podcast from one of my favorite Pastors, Dr. Charles Stanley (Head Pastor of First Baptist Church of Atlanta and In-Touch, a world-wide ministry). The title of said podcast: “God’s Way is the Best Way” and the best quote I can offer you from it is as follows:
“Be in obedience to Him (God) as best as we can. He’ll turn things around for good. We learn to listen to him through trial and error…seeing the evidence when things go wrong.”
The supporting scripture for this is in Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.”
I know many people who feel this scripture deeply, who live it out, myself included. For those who may not be a Christian or who are new to the Kingdom mindset, this scripture and the quote from Dr. Stanley means: Even when things aren’t going right, stick with God because He is sovereign and He will give purpose to all things, good or bad. In the end of a thing, we learn through it.
Free Will is not given to us to use as an excuse to justify anything. We are to use it wisely and learn from the times we don’t. We know when we haven’t for the reasons I’ve stated in the previous section (see Part 2); we are also often convicted in our spirit if we aren’t in alignment with God’s will. Usually that is when your intuition is kicking in and you hear “uh, uh, uh…don’t do that” going off in your head. I highly suggest listening, for our intuition is something God equipped us with, to help us know when we are veering off path!
How will we know if we are taking the right path?
As mentioned in Part 1 there are states of being which enable a sense that things are ‘right’. Not to sound preachy but the number one prerequisite to learning and discerning God’s way is by allowing Jesus Christ to reside within you; accepting your salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (by which we are convicted, uplifted and guided), is life changing (though not always easy, mind you).
One may walk in the world and things may seem great on the surface but when you examine your true state of being (mind, body and spirit/heart)….are they? Through the power and grace of God, we become new creations: “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject the the law of God, “Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” (Please reference Romans 8, the entire chapter, this is verse 21.)
When we are walking right, the path (above and beneath the surface) is peaceful, purposeful and powerful. This is because we will experience God’s power working in our lives. Don’t put God, or what God can do through you, in a box; however, don’t insert your will if what you WANT doesn’t transpire. When we do that, how often do we actually receive the outcome we hoped for?
When you “let go and let God”…
- You will be blessed immensely and recognizably
- The difference between God’s way and our way, will become evident
- God will provide specific direction, you’ll need to listen and wait for it (this is a hard one but not impossible)
- You will accomplish far more than you may conceive possible (and with much more ease), supernaturally, than on your own
- God can use us even in our weakest areas
- Door’s will open without much effort, IF you are in alignment with God.*
- God can wipe away all fear involved if you keep your mind on Him.
In Part 4, i’ll discuss how to “Fix Your Mess”…it can be done.
Read Parts 1 & 2 | Skip to Part 4