I received YOU one day. Unrelenting. Unabashedly.
Not for one moment did I look back.
Nor can I fathom ever doing as such.
Oh, how you fill me up!
That hole in my heart, once swimming with sharks…
Now overflowing: love. amazing grace. knowledge.
My desires-shifted-from self to sanctification.
You have shown me so much, as you lifted me up into your arms of protection…
You give me a strength that is backed by peace.
Showing me how to have mercy on myself through your own; something many don’t realize they need.
“Share this message with all who will listen,” He urged. “Show ME to all who will see…”
Now it is my mission, to fulfill this statement He spoke unto me.
To love, with Agape love.
To encourage, with gentle Charity.
To shine a light where there is dark; grabbing any hand that will accept my own-stretched out in genuine concern.
To be to you, what HE is in me.
A way. A truth. A light.
To the end.
~Stacey R. Louiso, Dec. 6, 2013 (c)
Thanks Stacey, that is so true and absolutely what I know, but need to be reminded of, thanks. Yes God is so good to me, always, Thanks for sharing this, my non fiction book is thanking God for His Creation of all the waters of the earth and the life therein, love Marge, http://pearlsofcreation.com
Thanks for copying your comment here Marge! I truly appreciate it. May God continue to bless and use you!
Bravo. 🙂
Awww..very kind of you Kathleen. May the blessings of the Lord continue to upstage all else in life!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem. It is lovely in every sense and has great meaning.
Gloria, thank you so much for your kind remarks! I pray God is the holder of your heart. 🙂