Please, recognize…” I ” AM NOT THAT STRONG…
I feel – deeply – not just my emotions, also those of others
Being that susceptible…both a blessing and a burden
People don’t seem to realize, I too am human, with human needs, that more often than not, go unmet
But thank the Lord, underneath it all, where a lifelong journey is stored up, in deep wells…lies true joy
All that those around me want to see, is unshakable strength…
I sit silently, for quite simply, rarely does one ask
Therefore they do not know all that it sometimes takes, to love and give without receiving; accepting that’s just how life is…
Admittedly, in the moments when the damn bursts, and the cleansing streams flow, I feel alien
Yet, that’s how it has always been
Trust that it takes its toll…
Without the reminders put before me, by God, to keep doing what I do;
To keep walking with Him, through tears and fears…no matter how alone I feel.
Without HIS strength to push me from sunset to sunrise, I might prefer to shrug the world; to disappear.
However, HE gives me purpose
Therefore, I pick my “stuff” up from the floor, put it away, and walk amongst you yet another day.