How do I explain to those out there who do not have knowledge of, or operate in, the gifts of the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. How do I explain that people in this age are given such gifts still. As it stated in the Holy Bible, those who have the indwelling of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, are given spiritual gifts; these gifts are like talents or abilities which are to be used to benefit the Kingdom of God. As mentioned in Ephesians chapter 4, verses 11 and 12:
“And he [Jesus] gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”
I emphasized “prophets”…as that is what this post is pertaining to: A prophetic gift. Historically, God used prophets to be His mouthpiece for times to come or in that moment in time. If you look back to the Old Testament and study especially the major prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel…) you’ll recognize this is how God used them. There were some exceptions where God flowed a future prophecy (and by this I’m saying, generations into the future) through the major prophets, and they were pretty much all about the same thing: apparent “end times” occurrences.
Some people do not believe that there are prophets in the world today. This is inaccurate. There are and I know this because it is a gift that I have possessed most of my life, one that I did not understand nor was I comfortable with. Granted, as a young girl, I had no clue what it was or how to utilize the wisdom and knowledge I was given. It scared me but it proved helpful in the lives of some of my closest friends, who benefited greatly. (All in a “counseling” sense.) Fast forward 25 years to 2016, where a prophetic gift is still taboo but not unheard of. God has been re-awakening this gifting within me, little by little, over the past 6 years.
In the past year, visions given and things spoken into my Spirit man by the Holy Spirit, have come to fruition. I have only shared two of them privately, until today. He led me to share the most recent to social media and tonight, I was led to post it here on my blog. This vision came to me literally in a flash, the week before the 2016 summer Olympics began. In this vision I saw destruction and the word spoken into my spirit was that both during and after the Olympics games, there would be mass deaths and destruction. He didn’t say where or how, merely the timing and what was coming. (When given a prophetic word the receiver is not always given concrete detail, more so evidence and outcome – and this has been my personal experience with few exceptions where I was shown something but given no time frame).
I honestly resisted sharing this information and only did in one place: my ministry group on Facebook, as it consists of ministry/church leaders and pastors, worldwide. As I was led to share this publicly yesterday, I sought the Lord on whether I was to do so. This morning (today is August 24, 2016) I felt the Holy Spirit quickening me to do so. Below is a list of the massive amount of terrible happenings that transpired on planet earth, over the past two and a half weeks, confirming the vision given:
Some recent world events…
During the Olympics:
In Rio, their water system was compromised.
Around the world:
1) Horrible bombings in Syria that killed roughly 500 people (my source is not U.S. media it is Aljazeera because they report accurately)
2) Wildfires in the Western US that are still burning
3) Flooding in Louisiana, still raging, current death toll: 13
4) Zika virus discovered to be more widespread than realized and they are publicly showing images of how it effects people, thus inciting fear amongst people.
Just days after the Olympics ended:
1) Turkey bombed several regions and people groups (Kurds, ISIS) in the middle east (11 killed, over 300 wounded thus far…it’s still going on.) They are also now in bed with Putin.
2) Massive earthquake in Italy overnight on August 23, 2016: 159 casualties so far and several towns in complete ruin.
3) Yet another person in Florida caught eating the flesh of his victim. This due to the drug FLEKKA.
4) In Cincinnati, Ohio ALONE, on August 23rd, there were 50 reported Heroin OD’s. (This literally hits home.)
5) American University in Kabul was stormed by gunman. Today.
And this is only the news/occurences I’ve been made aware of (I don’t own a TV and work 45+hrs/week).
Time is of the essence brothers and sisters!
Are you in the trenches, sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus with the lost?
Are you helping those whom have fallen away reconcile their sin and getting them back into the fold?
Are YOU repenting for the sin in your own life?
Ephesians 5:16
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.