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Every Good and Perfect Gift Comes from God


I sit here, at my desk, watching and listening to my little sister sleep on the chaise next to me in the living room. We’ve been sharing a bed for a few days since she is here visiting for Christmas. It reminds me of childhood when she, as a tiny tot, would sneak into my bedroom at night, push me to the wall, sprawl out and fall asleep there. At least now she stays on her side of the bed! 😉 haha

God gave me such a gift in her when he gave me a sibling as a nearly 12 yr old girl. I think she may finally, after 30 years, be starting to understand what this means. My cup runneth over! Thank you, Jesus.

You may be wondering why I feel this way…

This year has certainly not been the best year of my sister’s life. In fact, it has been hellish. I’ve actually written about her a couple of times without revealing to whom I was referring. As a family we have had to make some difficult decisions where she is concerned; we’ve been afraid for her life. My prayers for her extend back many years and let’s just say God took his sweet time in even beginning to answer them.

As it states in James 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” God made me completely surrender my sister to Him in order to do His perfect will in her life, and I knew I must stay out of the way. His work in her life has merely begun but I stand in the promise that His work is perfect. Not that I hadn’t been subconsciously influencing her…she is simply dead set on doing everything her way. This obviously has not worked well for her. I kind of laugh about it as I ponder all the wrong turns because it reminds me of other people I know (myself included).

My sister and I had a very candid conversation after she arrived; it was completely unplanned but apparently she needed to express herself and felt the moment was right. I’ve always suspected things were kept from me because she didn’t want to disappoint her big sister. Yet, I always reassure her of my love, despite every and any mistake she could make. However, what I didn’t know is that she sees me as “perfect” therefore doesn’t want to know about my own mistakes because she prefers to see her big sister in this light. I’m not certain why this broke my heart a little. I guess because I so desire to feel she can relate to me, I felt she needed to know what my life once resembled.

I must respect what she wants but when or if she is ever ready to discover who I once was, she has a book at her bedside just waiting to be opened and read (my own).

God presented me this Christmas with the perfect gift: an answered prayer. Not only did my sister, whom has barely spoken to me since June of this year, come to stay with me for as long as able, she also attended church with me on Christmas morning. (She chided it was her gift to me but I prayed it would be a gift to her.) Yes, that was the tip of the ice-burg but there is more: While en route to church, she told me of her plans to start attending church where she lives. The day prior she explained how she’d been carrying the Bible that our great-grandfather gave her (as a baby), in her truck, because it helps her feel safe. She even bought herself a cross and put it around her neck as we readied ourselves for church Christmas morning.

Learning all of this, after the countless prayers and tears spilled into God’s hands for her life, this year alone, is a hallelujah shot straight into this soul!

I was so overcome with gratitude that as we stood there worshipping side-by-side at church, I reached over and put my arm around her.  She in turn pulled me into a hug and I couldn’t contain either my joy or my tears. This is absolutely the most perfect gift I could have received, to end what has been a rather horrible year. Thank you Abba Father for every good and perfect gift…and your impeccable timing! I praise you Jesus for not letting me give up hope that you could and would return my sister’s heart to you. Thank you Father God for giving us all a positive to share, and look forward to, walking into 2017!

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (James 1:17)

UPDATE (12/27/16): My sister allowed me the honor of leading her in prayer, accepting Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior tonight before departing for home. We both cried our way through it. My cup runneth over! Thank you Lord for pulling her heart back to its rightful owner, and for answering this long-time prayer of mine! Praise be to God! Please God cover her life and surround her with an army of warrior angels to keep the enemy far, far away from her! 


2 thoughts on “Every Good and Perfect Gift Comes from God”

  1. This is so great to hear how you describe the way we deal in a family with all our fears, our fear of intimacy, fear of being imperfect, being judged etc. Thanks so much for confirming something I’m writing now, about how family is failing to provide a safe haven, encouragers, etc. But in Christ we can break down those walls that the enemy has erected. That’s awesome how your sis has opened to the Holy Spirits urging! Praying!!!


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