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If You Pray for It, Prepare for It

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,

and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

Through life as I’ve known it over the past 7.5 years, I’ve discovered I don’t always realize my heart’s desires, rather God has to show me. There are reasons for the suppression, which I will not state here or now, that I have realized for well over a decade that has everything to do with false burden’s and allowing others to hold me back. 

Today, the “dreams” I had 3 years ago have come to pass and died to self, however, this isn’t a bad thing; they were merely steps in drawing me closer to God’s purpose for my life.

Today, I am literally staring at an opportunity that I never in a million years would have dreamt for myself. Yet, at the same time, I realized last week, in a sense have spoken it (perhaps prophetically) over my life for a very long time: I will retire to a cabin on a mountain. Honestly, it has been a heart’s desire. But I did not by any means expect God to use it for His glory! Although, my desire didn’t look exactly like what God has put before me – because I’m not that extravagant – I serve a God who lavishes upon his children.

As it states multiple times in Biblical scripture God will answer the desires of the hearts of those who love, honor and serve Him. (Psalm 37:4-5, Proverbs 16:9, Matthew 6:33 to offer a few.) Therefore…my praying readers…I ask you to stand in agreement that the vision for The Potter’s Clay Cafe, God has not only given me, but now believe has been fully preparing me for: mind, body and spirit! Additionally, that the Lord continues to prepare and clear the path before me, and for his divine provision to rain down like manna from heaven!

I recently hinted at this ministry I am preparing to undertake for Him, but being a great God and Father, he seemingly has more in store than I could ever fathom. Awe inspiring indeed! Intimidating…just a bit. More than anything I BELIEVE in a living God, that I serve a risen Savior, and desire to serve them fully. Am I ready? (Are we ever truly…?) Yes…As ready as I can be!   

I’ve been patiently in waiting for clear and absolute direction. I’ve spent this past month in prayer, doing research and declaring God’s will over the ministry (Believing and Trusting for his divine provision), then writing up business and ministry plans in order to seek wise counsel in order to move ahead on a fundraising effort. This last part, is the hardest for me; I am not a person who asks for help especially not financial help because I’m a worker: If I want or need something I work for it!

I’ve been absent from writing for about a month firstly, because the Lord told me it is time for me to move ahead with The Potter’s Clay Café. (Secondly, family issues I won’t spend time on…) His exact way of putting it was, “The time is now.” God said this exact phrase this time last year in regard to pursuing publishing options…then the doors flew open! The incredible ways in which God confirms that The Potter’s Clay Cafe and it’s intended location, is his desire as well, keep coming my way! This morning, the biggest one yet landed in my inbox and I was in tears…my Father in heaven knew how much I needed a miracle and one arrived just in the knick of time!

However, because this is God’s ministry and not about “works” and due to the fact he’s been whispering encouragement to create an online fundraising platform since late last year, I decided I needed to be obedient to his direction and at least try it. The story about The Potter’s Clay Cafe is contained in the link below. I would be most blessed and honored if my readers would first pray over the effort, then also consider a donation of any amount &/or sharing it to your social media or circles. One never knows who’s heart will be moved by something God desires to see take fruition. Contact me with questions and yes, I’ll accept offline donations.

More info or to keep abreast of what’s happening with the campaign:

Twitter: @pottersclaycafe


Thank you so much!

In His Grace, Stacey

PS I will not stop writing. In fact, I am excited to see what this new chapter opens up in my spirit to share!

Here is a peek at what you are praying over!




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