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Adventures in Ministry: 2015


Hello readers!  I pray you had a lovely Christmas celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Christmas, at this point in my life, is not as it was in my youth, where all I cared about were the presents (ahhh, the influence of family…) and I am grateful for a renewed mindset over this. I have plenty and don’t require “things” to bring me joy – coming into a relationship with Christ has made me realize the true meaning of Christmas. Therefore, gifts at Christmas – in my heart and mind – should be offerings to God the Father and our LORD, Christ Jesus. Gifts of song and praise, thanks and joy…all in His name. Giving to those who have little and showing His love to those who don’t really know it. So, I guess for me, every day is Christmas! 🙂 Yes, I still buy a gift or two for family and close friends, but it’s now more about giving than receiving.

Speaking of receiving…I cannot express how in awe I am with the beautiful and consistent ways God the Father has been showering this daughter with love, grace and provision over the past few months. My cup certainly runneth over and He just doesn’t seem to be letting up.  One blessing was being accepted as a contributing writer at the wonderful Christian website LifeNotes as a LifeLetters Cafe writer.  You can view my profile on the site here:

At present this contribution mostly consists of reposting my original blog posts from this site and breathing new life into them by sharing with the vast audience at LifeLetter Cafe.  This is joy to me because I know it is proliferating the words God has already flowed through me, and I pray they will now minister to a new audience. The people behind the site are very active on social media as well so it’s great exposure for our Lord, amen!

I am so thankful for this opportunity and hope to occasionally compose original pieces just for LifeNotes, one of which you can see in its entirety here. There was an issue this website a while back, so I took advantage of having another platform and penned, “From Hallelujah to Hallelujah” and posted it there.

I received some unexpected gifts from God in the last month or so…unexpected because I wasn’t sure if the work I had performed would see the light of day! Both of the books I edited this year have been either set to ebook or print, and are available for purchase on

Hold On by Michael McDuffie (Kindle, fiction): Hold On is a story about a young, fun-loving immigrant boy who through a twist of romance, adventure, fate and faith encountered a life he had only dreamed about in the land of opportunity. This novel has something for everyone, adventure, love, humor, and luminescent victory over unbearable odds, with more than just a hint of the gospel.

ArleneGalinosBook1  What Real Love Taught Me by Arlene Galinos (Paperback, non-fiction, devotionals): An inspirational book to encourage you   in your personal walk with the Lord. Lessons taken from the author’s life will bring you closer to the Father’s heart.


The BIGGER Picture – 2015: 

The adventures the Lord has placed on my heart for the coming year, includes preparing the way for more publishing opportunities and a deeper ministry.  The bigger picture is starting to revolve around The Potter’s Clay Cafe and I am soliciting prayer that His will be done in my life in order to take this ministry from seed to fruit. That His provision and knowledge to get it off the ground is abundant, comes quickly, and the support, work and vision I know he has arranged in advance, is made clear. For the funds to purchase the physical location He put before me this year, to fall into place – and relocation back to my hometown of New Richmond, Ohio – is seamless!

The Lord has shown me things that blow my mind and are out of my comfort zone; I need all the prayers for endurance to finish this race I can muster, from prayer warriors everywhere!

The biggest surprise in all of this is how God suddenly brought me into the fold of another ministry that The Potter’s Clay Cafe will not only support but also work alongside in outreach. Rooted in Ashland, Kentucky, Misfit Ministries will be expanding to Cincinnati, Ohio in 2015. Two of the founders of Misfit Ministries, brother and sister Kristy Henry Powers and Ron Henry, are also natives of New Richmond. Kristy along with husband Jack, and a multitude of others, run the ministry in Ashland; Ron Henry has recently moved back to SW Ohio and is presently preparing, physically and spiritually, to bring Misfit Ministries to Cincinnati and its outlying areas. (For more information please visit their Facebook page: ) The focus of Misfit Ministries are on those in homelessness and substance abuse – and sharing the gospel in a way that would not intimidate but invite and encourage those in need.

I Trust and realize that the Lord already prepared the way for all of this…I simply need to rest in his blessed assurance and allow His will to be done at all times in order to successfully carry out these missions on His behalf. I have been called to this and I never wish to disappoint my Pappa or my Lord! Holy Spirit, I plead with you to rain down upon me, all I need to know to carry forth and answer this call.

Thank you and may GOD BLESS the coming year…stay tuned!


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