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Intimate Time with God – Part 2


A Time to Build Up…

The next morning, I awoke in the arms of my Lord. His Spirit was flitting all about me as the sun arose between the trees and shone into the bedroom. I love having these intimate times with God. After meditating in the Word, reading in a book and having breakfast, I sat down at my laptop. I worked on polishing a short story I was led to submit to an author asking for submissions for a compilation book she was publishing. During a morning prayer, I asked the Lord to show me clearly what my next steps would be…I literally pulled from the book of Isaiah, boldly stating, “Here am I, Lord. Send me!”


(In the coming weeks I’ll be sharing what God had just walked me out of; why I am, unexpectedly, staring down new road in life.)

In the week prior to leaving on vacation, I had spent some time researching publishing opportunities. I had also submitted an application, and moved on to an in person interview to become a Volunteer Peer Counselor – which requires a 12 week training course and additional monthly classes – at a Christian counseling center for women. It is funny how God moves us around in life: In this instance, of the counseling center, I thought God was leading me there to receive counseling for what I’d just walked through. However, as I was sitting with the intake counselor, she kept repeating that she believed I was there to be a counselor not to seek counseling. I guess the Holy Spirit was speaking to her, as I was never assigned a counselor, even after calling, and inquiring via email, about it after the fact.

I will confess that my confidence hasn’t been what it was a year ago, but as he is so good at doing, our Lord will use what has torn us down, to build us back up. In many cases, mine being no exception, Jesus finds us and fills up our spirits with his love and strength, more abundantly and confidently than before a trial.

The day after I submitted the story for consideration (actually, in the overnight hours), I received an email from the author stating she would like to use it, attaching all the proper forms and a few minor edits she had made the piece. I was astounded! Then, as I was sitting there reading over what she sent, I received an email from the Director of the counseling center, excitedly letting me know I’d been accepted into the training program!

When God answers prayers…he REALLY answers them. On top of those two things, that day He seemed to also be propelling me forth into a ministry he’d planted in my heart over the past several years but I never felt I was to move on. It was like a rushing wind moving through my entire being! Everything He is moving me toward is in alignment, meaning all areas that will work in tandem with one another.

If you missed Part 1, please click here to read.

1 thought on “Intimate Time with God – Part 2”

  1. Pingback: Intimate Time with God - Part 3 - Life Letter Cafe


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