It has been a difficult week for those who reside in the United States of America; a week laden with acts of violence that as humans, we should not have to understand, yet need to. People seem to believe because the acts of violence were black and white, and black and blue – it is a race issue. Yes, sadly, here in the U.S.A. people are force feeding identity by the pigment of one’s skin or uniform type on us (eh ehm the media, the government and dark societal powers). This causes division of all sorts, if people allow it to. Unity appears to be fleeting in the eye of the beholder and it makes one wonder: Are we supposed to be united?
Even amongst the body of Christ, I have witnessed a lot of division in the past few months. From the global United Methodist Church coming to a near standstill because they are being divided by issues pertaining to sexual orientation; or the personal sins of pastors and ministry leaders being made too public, and causing them to leave a church family altogether. I’ve experienced firsthand, over the past year, how a church can be divided within itself because of grave decisions that need to be made for change; fortunately, at the end of the day things worked out as I sense GOD intended but it took people standing up and saying, “let God’s will, not your will, be done. This IS His house!”
You see, that is what seems to be missing most from all of these equations: God. Jesus.
Outside of the “church” I personally experienced it after unknowingly joining a group calling themselves “street preachers” on Facebook. What I found once inside was not the love of Christ but condemnation. I boldly, yet lovingly stood up with another member who apparently sensed this too, and gently reminded whomever might read it, that Jesus walked in love and light. He wasn’t casting stones or seeking out sinners – they came to Him, willingly. Within moments, I was getting what I sensed as instigating replies on the post, from an angry-looking man in Oregon. I replied back in love but decided this was not a place I was meant to battle and left the group.
“Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.” (Romans 12:16)
As I did so I was reminded that we, the body, are one body NOT dissidents of division. (This is why I have issues with church denominations but that’s another blog post…I digress!) It was almost as though this group read on past the full passage below, and focuses only on verse 12b (in red):
“Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: 9Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing…
10For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:
11Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.
12For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.” (1 Peter 3:8-12)
In verse 11, the word “eschew” in greek means “turn away from” not to shun as is part of the dictionary definition. That is God’s job, to convict people of their sin, not ours. Yes, he can use us as a vessel to encourage people to turn from their ways but we are to do so in love, not hate.
“Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” (I Corinthians 1:10)
Brave Examples of Unity
Early this morning while out for a walk, I passed a sizable group of young men running together. All different colors, shapes and sizes were represented. I figured they were part of a nearby high school football team conditioning together in preparation for camp. While heading back toward my starting point I came upon them again, and what I experienced in that moment gave me hope: They were chanting together as they ran; the pack had tightened and they were running in complete unison. I recognized that one of them was leading the call, and as I began to pass them this is what I heard:
“We are United Stated Marines…unified and out for a run, together just for fun…”
I almost came to a complete stop as they passed by and saluted them. No lie! My heart had dropped to the ground and tears were springing to my eyes. I was so proud of these young men that my heart leapt for their courage. Their UNITY! They were one body, as Marines, that chose to get together on a Saturday morning. Mind you, they must be new recruits waiting for assignment to boot camp or deployment because there isn’t a Marine Corps base anywhere near Cincinnati, Ohio! On top of this, I’m going to be blunt – any person who signs up for the military in this day and age, knowing what this crazy world is coming to and knowing what that war zone our government keeps us in does to a soldier, has to possess some kind of drive to protect and serve! So to whomever you young men are – thank you, thank you! You made my day.
There will be peace in the Valley…
In the aftermath of horrible events that occurred the evening July 7, 2016 in Dallas, Texas – 12 police officers (5 died, 7 injured) were shot by a sniper – I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to write and share the following, to social media:
“For those who are stewards of The Bible (Old and New Testament – all 66 books), these current events should not shock you but they should be moving you firstly, closer to God, and secondly, into action (and you’ll know what I mean if you’re a Jesus freak).
If you are not a steward of The Bible (and I’m sorry forgive me but this includes some who sit in church every Sunday, and those who do nothing to further the Kingdom), recognize, please, that there was and is true prophecy over the world.
I don’t normally post URGENCY here but I live it out in real life, not out of fear rather out of expectancy, and Reverence for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.
I sit and stare at my news feed and see what’s happening globally (because I don’t own a television) not in shock or disbelief because I recognize what I’m looking at. Yes, my heart hurts for those left in the aftermath of these events, and I pray The Lord comforts them and plants seeds instead of strife. But honestly I feel numb to what’s happening everyday across the world. I can NO LONGER look at the victims faces, the bloodshed or hear the mobs of people who “don’t understand how this can happen” because I do understand…and so should anyone who proclaims Christ.
God began preparing me mentally and spiritually, for a time such as this, the day He won me back into his fold. For years I have been led to study Biblical prophecies, the spiritual realm, and sensed God explaining what is to come, soon. And I am definitely not alone in this. He is beckoning to us from Heaven. He is revealing truth. He is strengthening His angel and saint filled armies.
Thy KINGDOM COME Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…marches through my head every day…
Please people please, consider all of this and if you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, It would be my honor to introduce you! Regardless, God be with you!!
If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, well, please read and pray deeper into His word and pull your spiritual armor either out of the closet and or very tightly on. I’m not inciting fear because that won’t help (no, I’m not a “Prepper” haha), simply stating you may want to prepare.
Oh yes, there will be peace in the valley…”
Citizens of the world, you DO have choices – The first one’s name is Jesus Christ, He died for the sins of the world over 2,000 years ago. He loves you, and you, and especially you! He IS the son of God, incarnate, and the only true savior of this world we live in. This great nation called the United States of America was founded on the principle’s found in God’s word, The Holy Bible. It is spelled out in ink on the original version of the Constitution of the United Stated of America (those Marines I mentioned, they defend the freedoms spelled out in that Constitution).
The second choice you have is to STOP letting the media, the government and some really dark people decide things for you. Educate yourselves. One of the great commandments that God gives us (everyone, not just Christians) is to LOVE THY NEIGHBOR as you love YOURSELF. We were not created for such heinousness as the world today experiences. God is calling us back to him but the true enemy of this world (Satan) – he has a tight grip on the world! So many people plea for world peace, well, I’m here to tell you my friend, this will only come when we turn our eyes and hearts over to God, to Jesus Christ. For that is where peace comes from, not from within us and not from the outward world.
Pastor’s if there was ever a time to lead His sheep, and reach the lost, it is now.
To quote Jesus:
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
And be mindful, people, that God is a God of Justice as well! This is reiterated in His word, in Romans 12:19:
“Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”
Prayer vigil in Dallas:
A poingant spoken word video that’s gone viral on Facebook about unity