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Updates from Stacey Louiso

Hello friends!  

I pray you are well and blessed! It’s been a while since I posted updates to the blog on life happening outside of the blog -o-sphere, and realized I probably should! 🙂  And, once I have completed what I need to do in order to launch my book (see below), I’ll hopefully get back to blogging again! I have plenty stuck in my head that I’m looking forward to releasing and breathing life into. Now for the updates: Guest Blogs:

Towards the end of 2017, I mentioned I would be guess blogging on beginning in January.  I just lent my 4th of a six month commitment to DS. If you would like to read what I (and others of course) have contributed here are links to parts 1 through 4: 

A Family’s Perspective: Battling Addiction Part 1   Part 2   Part 3  Part 4
Book Update: Bound by Seduction, Redeemed by Grace COMING MID-JUNE 2018! 

The book I co-authored with the Holy Spirit, Bound by Seduction, Redeemed by Grace: One Woman’s Story of Falling into Freedom officially went to print in April.  Today, June 3, 2018, I am currently conducting a soft launch of the book.

My official release (widespread) will be mid-June! (I am holding off a while in order to get my ducks in a row!)

It has been such a long time in the making…I’m not sure what to feel other than relief! ha ha  No seriously, I have no idea how to feel. It is such a personal work it’s difficult to anticipate the future, so I’m simply doing as I always do and releasing it into God’s knowing, careful hands to do with what He intends. 

Be on the lookout for the official announcement here and on social media, with links to where it can be purchased.  There is a page already  subtly published on this website with info, but I am not creating a separate site/social media just for the book. Please remember that all royalties from book sales are going to fund The Potter’s Clay Cafe Ministry.  


Short Story/Essay Published at Spirit Fire Review: 

I am honored to once again have a short story I penned accepted by Spirit Fire Review. 

“The Remnant – Women Wielding Swords” was featured in the publication’s February 2018 issue. This piece was a bit different from others I’ve submitted anywhere, as it was prophetic in voice. (I actually posted a portion of the word here in mid-2017). Enjoy! 

Two poems published at Indiana Voice Journal: 

A publication new that has published some of my work, and they are so supportive!
“Emotion” and “How Do I Tell You” | (May/June 2018) 


Coming up…
  • Book marketing – LOTS of book marketing (some by the publisher but mostly by me)
  • Working on a book I’d been led to place on the back burner, How Hard is Love?  plus another book I’m feeling an assignment to write
  • Resting in Him: I’ve had a lot of physical stuff going on (injured knee) and have required a lot of rest to heal. It was fine then some dogs playing at high velocity rammed into it so I’m once again nursing it but BELIEVING and RECEIVING healing, amen! 
  • Moving The Potter’s Clay Cafe ahead – my spirit is most restless in this area! 
  • Awaiting the release of an anthology I contributed a story to, due out in August 2018! (It is so spirit filled…I sense it’s going to change lives.) 


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