The LORD thy God is in our midst daughters! His desire is to see hundreds if not thousands of years of bondage, broken off of us. Bondage passed down through the generations, from mothers to daughters, fathers to daughters. Husbands to wives. Its name is ugly and it wreaks havoc of the worst kind on our souls. It causes us to wear shame like a label, and run from authentic relationships; not just with other people but with the Trinity.
It’s name is REJECTION!
Rejection has taken root in the lives of hoards of women (and men) from an early age – long before we could even pronounce the word. However, the wave of healing the LORD thy God is releasing comes from far out in the ocean. It is approaching the shore slowly as not to cause a tsunami. Why? Because he is breaking off very particular bondage at this moment in time. Sisters and daughters, mothers and wives…do not let a spirit of offense come over you as you read this word, because it may not make sense at first: We are being set free from self-idolization.
“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.” (Isaiah 14:12-15)
Satan has been setting a course throughout history. He has enslaved us in self-idolization through rejection, just as he was rejected and separated from the Kingdom of God. He has come after the generations of women following Eve. But, God is being even more specific; his desire right now is to heal His beloved daughters of the deep-rooted pain and emotional affliction caused by rejection; affliction that provokes us into hating our bodies and appearance so much, we abuse ourselves. Self-Idolization is masked as the multitude of eating disorders many of us have endured, to the point of idolizing our bodies and appearances out of the need to be accepted. The enemy has planted a lie deep within our wounded souls, making us believe in order to be/feel accepted, we must appear perfect – just as Lucifer thought himself perfect, therefore more worthy of worship than God himself.
We are worshipping ourselves. We cannot give God all our worship if we are worshipping self over Him!
God Wants us to be Made Free!
This revelation came to me one day, after God spoke to me about my own healing in this area. The afflictions upon my earthly body have finally come to an end after over 3 decades, and I did little to make it happen. It was God working behind the scenes of my life, over the past 9 years, and my being obedient when He directed me to let go of sin and bondage, piece by piece. His deep desire is for us all to be made free by the Cross of Christ! To no longer be slaves to our pasts, even if our past ended yesterday.
There is a gentle releasing of the minds of God’s precious daughters happening right now. I’ve been privy to discussions with other sisters over the past few months who also understand they are being moved to finally stop abusing their bodies and minds, stop being manipulated by the enemy of this world, or to finally dig deep for healing from such things that linger in their lives.
God has shown me this release as being like the untying of a satin bow, one that has been tied tightly across our eyes, ladies. We have been the blind, leading the blind and leading one another into bondage. RIGHT NOW it is time to STOP! It is time to repent of our ignorance and participation with this sin of self-idolization so we can break free from our bodies and allow the Holy Spirit to usher complete healing through the daughters of the Body of Christ. No more shaming one another, or urging one another to harm ourselves just to feel accepted because sisters, we ARE accepted. We are known before we are formed in the womb. Every hair on our head is accounted for (the REAL color too). We are fearfully and wonderfully made, in the image of our Abba Father, amen!
The enemy hates us, ladies! Why? Because WE were created in God’s perfect image, not him. Thus why he sets out to kill, steal and destroy us. Why he walks about like a roaring lion trying to instill fear into our lives. He wants us to feel just as rejected as he does. He wants us to go down just as he was made to go down from his place in heaven. But guess what? That has never been God’s plan for us, never! He created us to receive His agape love, to live a life more abundant, and to live in the promise of freedom. By His (Jesus’) stripes we are healed. RECEIVE YOUR HEALING and lead others into that place of healing as well. Let us be the influencers of society, showing them how to properly love themselves.
Eating disorders – We rebuke you, in Jesus’ name!
Body dysmorphia – We rebuke you, in Jesus’ name!
Shame – We rebuke you, in Jesus’ name!
Rejection – We rebuke you, in Jesus’ name!
Self-hatred – We rebuke you, in Jesus’ name!
Self-idolization – We rebuke you in Jesus’ name!
I pray the blood of the Lamb over each person reading this, and boldly approach the throne of the Lord asking for a sweeping release of all bondage associated with rejection, self-idolization, self-hatred and more, to be broken off of Your daughters, Abba Father. For any woman suffering from a harlot spirit because she doesn’t know TRUE love, to be delivered of that spirit immediately LORD. Thank you Father for how you love us, for your love covers a multitude of sins. What the daughters whom have been afflicted by such things need most is agape love, acceptance, forgiveness and wisdom. The agape love that restores our lives unto you God; knowing we are accepted by You mends our broken hearts and souls. Instill in us Your wisdom so we are set on righteous paths that get our spirits right with you oh LORD.
Wash over us now with a healing rain and dry us off with the winds from the movement of your hand waving over us and ushering in the power of the Holy Spirit, strengthening and bringing deep, lasting peace oh LORD. Thank you, LORD. We praise you LORD for your omnipotence! We worship you God for your forgiveness and giving us Jesus Christ, to set these captives free. Thank you, LORD. Thank you, Father! Holy Spirit be with these sisters as so much bondage is released and they move into freedom, and as they move from stage to stage, show them how You are moving them from glory to glory, for God’s glory, hallelujah!
I pray this in Jesus’ precious name. Amen!