Greetings friends,
I pray this finds you well and blessed! Yep, I’m still alive in case you’re wondering. 😉 What a year it has been thus far. God has certainly proven He has 2020 vision, on all fronts, as this year and season of life has progressed.
He has shown up in amazing ways and continues to do so. I am blessed beyond measure – and I say this after enduring another series of injuries since mid-July. He would heal me, then a month later, that injury would resurface in a different, more intense way. In fact, I’m just coming out the other side of it yet again – thankfully, He has given me the strength and trust to do so and keep moving. Believing in and for His mercy in every moment (and movement) of every day.
I will share that He has poured out such blessings over my life through it all; as I’ve remained faithful, my Abba has showed me his love, grace, mercy, provision and direction in astounding ways. He blows my mind almost daily as I’ve finally moved into the start-up phase of The Potter’s Clay Cafe. I have no clue why Abba wants me to open this business (with an outreach to follow) but He is the one with 2020 vision, not me.
I do hope to share more often but life is busy, busy and I am working, working, working between writing gigs and getting the business going.
For now, I remind you that He alone is SOVEREIGN. He alone is LOVE. Yeshua/Jesus alone is The LIGHT of the World…and goodness gracious, do we need to receive and shine that light more than ever!Â
May He bless you and keep you, and shine His light upon your faces…
In His Grace,