Straying away from creative writing for a moment, I thought to share a newly finished, professional project for the company I work for part-time. A large portion of my job description consists of marketing which includes social media and content writing/editing. The company is a small website and software company; we just overhauled our own website, in order to better engage potential clients, by using our own technology advances.
We are a three person team so I only have to impress the two company owners but when I took on this portion of the project, they had been outsourcing their content to India. I had to make heads or tails of what that person was trying to state…it was quite atrocious! I ended up scrapping everything they’d already paid for and starting over. They were quite pleased with what I handed them (and decided to never outsource projects again), which certainly made me happy.
Stemming from this project, I have a newfound enjoyment for content writing. I have been contributing my scribing skills to marketing projects for years but never completely enjoyed it. I am not sure why this project was different – perhaps it was because no one attempted to change what I created and it was valued. It is a different sort of challenge for a writer with my background, although one I feel is important, as it forces me out of my “box”…encouraging me to continually grow my skills and knowledge.
While doing this project we have explored the new way that Google Panda is ranking website SEO and I was thrilled that they are finally basing it more on original content and less on the superficial things of the past. It is certainly a blessing to people like me who want their content paid attention to more than anything else. Good job, Google!
If you’re interested in seeing my content writing/editing skills at work, you can visit this website:
I wrote 90% of the copy and edited every piece + provided visual feedback on the site appearance (feedback that was actually used, hey!). We are about 99% finished with the site, which is built using Responsive Web Design which enables the same website to be used across all screens types: computers,mobile and tablets such as iPad’s, et al.