Roman’s 8:28 – it is one of those verses of Biblical scripture many deem a “life verse,” one which helps Believers cope with what life throws their way. It has certainly been one of my own ‘go to’ verses in times of question or need. The entire passage of Romans 8 is powerful, the verses which follow, however, should make a man or a woman ask themselves: for what purpose did God call me and how will I know it? How am I “justified” by God? Such questions can befuddle even the most righteous of Followers of The Way. We need to avoid the trap of believing we determine our purpose for being called into the fold.
“For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.” (Romans 8:29-30 NASB 1995)
Yeshua (Jesus Christ) outlined our purpose for being called:
- Our first purpose: to love The LORD your God with all thy heart, mind and strength
- Secondly, we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves
- The overall purpose Yeshua/Jesus gave before ascending to the throne: “Go and teach them to carry out all the things that I have commanded you forever” (Hebrew translation of Matthew 28:20)
As disciples, yes, we are to be salt and light in the world, yet, that is not the wholeness of the Great Commission. There is so much more depth! What commands were Yeshua’s/Jesus’s disciples taught to carry out? If you look to Matthew 5 one will see that He is outlining Torah, aka the Law (Laws of Moses, The 5 Books of Moses, 10 Commandments). Yeshua/Jesus spent those active years living out His calling by reinforcing Torah and performing such signs, wonders and miracles as spoken through the Prophets of old. This to help people (mostly “Jews”) identify Yeshua as the Messiah, in order to draw the lost sheep of the House of Israel back into the fold to receive salvation/eternal life.
Why would this have mattered, His living out these things? They were the same type of things Yahweh (God) did in the Exodus and at Mt. Sinai, hence, Yeshua was revealing Yahweh in himself to the Jews and rest of the world. By carrying out His commands, the disciples were overcoming the darkness around them with Yahweh’s light. His “Good News” that the Savior of the chosen (called) people, and the world, had come.
Thus the purpose of those first 12 disciples: to reach their fellow Jewish brothers and sisters, as well as the those non-Jewish people (gentiles) in the nations, just as had occurred in the Exodus from Egypt. They were to step into Yeshua’s sandals, carry out Torah and the supernatural, just as Caleb and Joshua stepped into the sandals of Moses and Aaron, to perpetuate The Way for the Israelites.
What is our purpose as Followers today?
Joshua and Caleb proved to be salt and light, while the rest of the men sent into the Promised Land as scouts reported falsely against the Land. It is eerily similar to what is happening amongst Believers today. Too many are taking on roles such as the remaining 10 scouts (spies) and allowing what they “see” but don’t understand fully to rule them and influence others. They are allowing fear and false reports to control their actions, decisions and muddling their walk, as well as their relationship with The LORD. They are heeding to obstacles instead of Faith.
Followers of The Way certainly do face obstacles right now: Our rights as a Christian, Jewish or Torah Pursuant people (et al) have been greatly compromised in 2021 and I don’t think many people truly understand how to deal with it. There are too many Christian’s who struggle, unable to grasp reality and relying on man or a battle to save them. Many try to take things into their own hands, forgetting Who is sovereign.
But don’t be deceived, brothers and sisters, you are exactly where you are supposed to be, at exactly the time Yahweh intended. It is this such time that you need to firmly understand what Romans 8 means, especially verses 28-30! Fear is not your ally, purpose is! Fear should not be driving you, rather be purposing for Yahwah. Giving Him glory is what you are called to do.
Are you a peacemaker?
It is time, brethren, to open your eyes, dig your heels deeply into the entirety of God’s Word – and The Word Made Flesh – in order to overcome. There are forces in the world, that are unfortunately succeeding in dividing and conquering those in the Faith, and it’s because you are allowing it to happen. Your purpose, however, it is to stand up for and protect core Biblical truths. Thus why it is time to dig into the Word, in its entirety, as it is the only way we can recognize, then rebuke division. To overcome. Because if you do not actually know what the Word of God says, you cannot defend it. No, you will lie down and allow The Word and one another to be trampled on, just like the salt that has lost its flavor!
We are called by Yeshua/Jesus to be peacemakers. In his commentary, Chuck Smith offers a Biblical observation of being a peacemaker:
“The Jews were longing for the Messiah to lead them in war, to conquer all Gentiles, and to rule the world. Peace is more than a passive existence; it’s a very positive state of good. A peacemaker is more than one who stops quarrels; he brings good into other people’s lives. A peacemaker might become involved in great conflicts. As long as the forces of evil prevail, there is no way to have peace except by destroying them. Peacemakers deal with the corrupted issues so that there can be a true state of peace. Jesus was fighting against the corrupted religious system and for peace between man and God (John 2:14-16; Matthew 23:27). Real peace can never be found in a compromise with evil. There can never be a peaceful coexistence with sin (1 Corinthians 5:7; Isaiah 57:20, 48:22). Peacemakers bring others to God. Man’s basic problem is that he has to be reconciled unto God.” (, Study of the Sermon on the Mount)
My question to you: What, during this time of widespread discord, do you you believe God is calling you too, and are you willing to leave it all behind to Follow?
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I feel called to speak out truth about where our nation is heading. I feel that our nation only exists, because God led people and drew people to put their lives and honor at risk to found this nation that allowed people to practice their faith with a higher degree of freedom than anywhere on earth. I feel called to stand and call out warning for people not to lay down quietly while our nation is destroyed and our freedom to raise our families and practice our faith in every area of our lives is given over to communism and an evil plan of genocide to bring our population to a pre-conceived “acceptable” number. I feel called to fight for the right of God given babies to live. Does that mean I am unloving and not a person of peace? I do not feel God has given us up yet, and I feel drawn to this battle. We will survive, only if it is God’s will and He supernaturally intervenes on our behalf. I get that. For me, I feel it is my time to pray for good government and do every thing in my power to stand. But in the end of it all….if it is not God’s will, I totally understand and pray “Thy will be done, as it is in heaven.” Am I somehow wrong in all this?
Hi Mona,
Somehow your comment slipped through my system and I am just now seeing it – so very sorry!!
No, you are not wrong. Your heart IS for peace and for all to come to the King. As I said, we are all called – it’s up to Him to lead us individually but also for us not to be afraid to be what HE leads us to be instead of conforming to either a group mentality or cultural expectations. For us to have deep understanding of what we are staring in the face and what The LORD expects of us. We battle through prayer and warfare, but as always THE battle belongs to HIM! This was my point and I hope I made it. Thank you for another welcomed comment! Be blessed dear sister. 😀
Thank You, sister. Your words are an encouragement to me.